Refund and Returns Policy

How to Return a Product

  • If your product is damaged, defective, incorrect or incomplete at the time of delivery, please raise a return message on website. Return request must be raised within 2 days.
  • Delivered product is incomplete (i.e. has missing item.
  • Delivered product is incorrect (i.e. wrong product/size/colour etc
  • Delivered product is does not match product description or picture (i.e product not as advertised)
  • Delivered product does not fit. (i.e. size is unsuitable)

Frequently Asked Questions

Conditions for Returns
The product must be unused, unworn, unwashed and without any flaws. For fashion products, products may be tried on to see if the item fits. This will still be considered as unworn.

Issuance Of Refunds
Your refunds will be issued after 3 days of receiving your ordered parcel.

Payment Methods

  • Any Bank Account Direct Transfer
  • Easy Paisa
  • Jazz cash Mobile account

Any Question Contact us this Whatsapp No. +92 321 1802980